

Live in the Present. GiftCast is a video-gift card mobile app that gives users the platform celebrate special events by shooting a video message, adding a cash value to their GiftCast and sending it to a recipient who watches the video and can immediately deposit the cash gift directly to their own account.

As the head of creative for GiftCast, I had the opportunity to lead every stage of the company’s creative development.

My Role:
Branding - I created the brand identity, wrote the tagline, designed the look and feel of the brand, and its design system.

App - With a close team I conceived of the platform concept and developed the user journey and map. I designed every component in the app from UI to UX and worked closely with the code team to bring it all to life..

Marketing - I created all marketing materials from social media ads to app store narratives.

New app store screens copy.png
App map.png
App icon.png
Sign in & Account creation screens

Sign in & Account creation screens

Icon nav.png

Design process


Instagram Single Video DR Ads

Colors and type.png
business card and logo.png