The ability to deduce original insights from a creative brief is one of the true measures of value in an art director. I’ve spent a good portion of my career conceiving insightful, delightful and on target campaign concepts. Whether developing video, digital or print, the big idea is the foremost important thing. Guiding photographers, illustrators, producers, retouchers or animators is always better when leading from clear and simple ideas.

This high-end hair studio cares about one thing, making their clients look great. I wanted to take ownership of and update a word that is more common to my grandmother’s generation than it is to millennial women… ”hairdo”, as in “nice hairdo”. It’s such a great word. It sounds like a portmanteau; it’s intentional and complete. This idea attempted to give the word street cred by thinking of it phonetically.


IBM is historically known for for it’s dominance in hardware. With IBM Cloud the company is seeking to pivot there offering to cloud services. How to retain the power and ingenuity of there brand and show off the agile future of the company? IBM Cloud is seamless integration and support services built for first in class corporate partnerships - It offers every technology, everyplace you need to be.


When Weatherman created the world’s most unforgettable umbrella they needed to reset people’s previous experience with bad umbrellas. A great umbrella has the power to change the way it’s owner feels about bad weather. Both of these concepts use unexpected imagery to communicate the power of a better umbrella experience.


What is the thing that differentiates you from the pack? For this small agency it was their commitment to understanding smaller product markets and the target audiences they were serving. In medicine, doctors with different specialties have their own subcultures, values and jargon. This multi-media campaign showed off the agency’s industry insight with a Teddy Roosevelt era safari nod. Positioning medical specialists as big game grabbed new client’s attention and situated the agency for new growth opportunities.


You’re good because of what you do, but could you have done it without Nike? “This makes me good” is a rallying call, like an exclamation point or a knockout punch. It continues the brands tradition of leadership.